War industry is destruktive. Our times has many problems and many  challanges. Now is the time to agree Internationally that contries and corporations that produce and / or sell arms is responsibe ethicallly, legally and economically.

Contries and corporations producing and / or selling weapons and arms material is economically responsable for damage made by the products. - The industrie also consumes and contaminates priceless metals. A new 'war tax' will go along with wepon and arms production. The war tax will go in to an International peace fund.


This is hopefully an International start to make the industrie less interesting ethicallly and financially. In this way we will force the industrie over to other areas that is beneficial to mankind and to nature.

Our planet is our home. 


We ask you kindly to sign the petition.

If you decides to do so, please remember to confirm.

You do this by checking in to your email and make a conformation there after you have signed the petition. Otherwise you will not be registreted. 

If you do want to suport the petition, we are very thankful. If you want to share the petition with your contacts in your contry or  internationally please do.  You can share through sosial media or you can send the link with email or other contact services. We thank you for your engagement and for your effort. 

This petition is public. The petition can publisched nationally and Internationally in media.It can be sendt to gevernments, organisations and corporations, ralated to fight the arms industri. 

Responsable editor 

Harald Lyche cdf96a2e-3e04-4252-80dd-7bef0c49ca88.jpg