«The Nordic Film Community» stand with protesters in Iran

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Update - «The Nordic Film Community» stand with protesters in Iran

2023-05-29 17:29:17


Thank you for choosing to sign this petition!

We reached around 700 film workers in the Nordics who signed online and around 50 people who signed an open letter.
This eventually led to us receiving several media coverage in NRK TV, NRK Radio, Dagsavisen, Klassekampen, Rushprint, Utrop, and NY Tid. 

We also got to meet the Norwegian Minister of Culture, Anette Trettebergstuen, to hand over the signatures and have a 30-minute meeting at her office where we presented the facts about what is going on in Iran since Mahsa Jina Amini died - as well as our concerns about human rights violations in the country. We also updated the minister on the status of, among other things, our imprisoned art colleagues and filmmakers in the country, as well as how this fascist terror regime operates both inside and outside Iran. And came with a wish that the Minister of Culture uses her channels to pressure the Iranian government.

Without you, this would not have been possible!

Let's fight for freedom, human rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, wherever possible! And not least, appreciate what we have in our Northern hemispheres - and not forget that it is something fragile, something we can lose much faster than all the time it took us to get these privileges.


Best regards, 
Ali Parandian
Anicca Pictures AS
Director / Producer

Ali Parandian

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