Nei til nedleggelse av Åpen Barnehage i Sagene bydel!



2014-03-25 09:05

Åpen barnehage og alle tilbudene under Familiehuset er kjempegode og viktige i den formen de har i dag. Dette er et viktig lavterskeltilbud i en bydel med mange utfordringer. De som jobber der er flinke fagpersoner som fanger tidlig opp problemstillinger i familier. I tillegg er åpen barnehage et fint sted å være for små barn og foreldrene i permisjon. Det er viktig å møte andre for å unngå isolasjon og knytte kontakter i nærmiljøet før barnehagestart. Det er bra for små barn å møte andre små barn før barnehagestart. Vi har brukt åpen barnehage mye for begge våre barn og i tillegg blitt henvist fra helsestasjon til Trine på Åsen for å få hjelp med våre søvnproblemer. JA til Familiehuset!La det bestå



2014-03-26 07:35

Skärpning i "världens rikaste land"!!
Med "rikedom" följer ansvar - visa att ni vet vad ansvar är! Ett F16 flyg motsvarar sikker 857 opne barnehager i 6000 år..? Vad är värt att lägga pengarna på?

#53 Closing them down would be crazy

2014-03-26 17:59

We started using åsenhagen åpen barnehage when my son was around 7 months old, and it was a fantastic place to meet other parents with kids. We got to be social, and have our little "village" of other parents. You need that when you are home with kids.
When my son was 15 months, his dad was diagnosed with cancer. And when we said that to Trine and Janne at Åsenhagen they opened their arms and hearts. We could come every day, and stay all day if we wanted (in the familiegruppe as well). We got so much love and support through those horrible months, I really don't know how we would have made it through without them. Having someone there for you, that have time, lots of time, makes a huge difference. And they really were there for us. We had endless conversations, I would come up there in a panic mode, and they would make me feel calm and better, again and again and again.
In the last few days of my husbands life, Janne took my son to and from daycare for me so I wouldn't have to leave my home. She also did that the first days after he died.
And in the time after his death we also had all their love and support, we had lots and lots of long conversations in that time to that meant more to me than I can say. And on the days I found it too hard to deliver my son in daycare and leave him there we went to åsenhagen instead.
We met other families in the familiegruppe that were so good to talk to, we all had some kind of challenge and our little community there was fantastic.
After my husbands passing I was so insecure about everything, I questioned everything I did with the kids and talked to Trine and Janne about all of it, and just having someone there to talk to was a lifesaver.
We still go by there, my son is now 3 years old. Just today when we were going up there he said "I love going to Trine and Janne!".
And we really do. It's been a safe place for us through some of the hardest times in our lives, where we got exactly what we needed, and we couldn't have done it without them. They are a big part of why my kids still had a healthy, functioning mum through this grief. And that I still managed to be a good mum to them when everything seemed so dark and the grief was overwhelming.
They can not be closed down!



2014-03-27 09:43

Alexander (1, 5år) og meg Joachim Raade hadde veldig glede av åpen barnehage jeg er overbevist at det gjorde det lettere for Alexander å trives lettere i barnehagen å mere sosial. Jeg ble kjent med andre som også hadde vlitt foreldrene for første gang. Det vil være veldig synd for de barna som ikke skal kunne få dette flotte tilbudet. Jeg lærte masse der samme som min sønn. Vi gledet oss til Vær gang. Hilsen Alexander og pappa



2014-03-27 13:39

Å legge ned et tilbud som i så stor grad integrerer og samler folk med ulik kulturell bakgrunn er galt. Ikke minst når tiltaket har vart så lenge, gjennomgående har så høy kvalitet og er så innarbeidet i folks bevissthet og i lokalmiljøet. Jeg er bekymret for hva de langsiktige, negative konsekvensene blir.