Slå ring om Sogn Jord- og Hagebruksskule

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2013-11-20 08:27

Vi mennesker treng nye perspektiv på måten vi forvalter jorda på.Vi må slutte å tru at masseprodusert mat dyrka med altfor mykje kunstgjødsel og sprøytegifter kan gi oss god helse,og å ta vare på jordsmonn,og miljøet rundt oss.



2013-11-20 08:43

Fin skola på en paradisisk plats.



2013-11-20 12:48

Økologi er fremtiden!



2013-11-20 22:26

Utrolig viktig at SJH får fortsette å utdanne elever for framtidas jordbruk, dette må det satses nok midler på fra fylket. Setter stor pris på de to årene jeg (og familien) var her!



2013-11-21 11:33

Kor eg reiser jamleg for å henta inspirasjon, oppdatert kunnskap og smittande arbeidsglede?
Til SJH sjølvsagt.



2013-11-21 19:27

Kunnskap er nødvendig! Også i økologisk virksomhet!



2013-11-22 08:04

Økologisk jordbruk er ikke noe nytt. Vi kan igjen komme i en situasjon hvor dagens sprøytemidler og/eller kunstgjødsel ikke er tilgjengelig. Da er kunnskapen om økologiske produksjonsmetoder en nødvendighet. Bare dette er god nok grunn og i nasjonal interesse til å opprettholde tilbudet på Sogn Jord- og Hagebruksskule.



2013-11-22 08:18

SJH er en skole som er tilpasset det norske landbruket med fjord, jord, skog og utmarksnæring.



2013-11-22 12:38

SJH formildar praktisk kunnskap som er det avgjerande bindeleddet mellom gode intensjonar og effektiv handling. Me treng MEIR av slike institusjonar ikkje mindre!



2013-11-22 13:58

Fördelning/prioritering. Vad ska vi lägga de ekonomiska medlen på? Det som är positivt eller det som inte är det? Hur kan vi tillse en positiv utveckling för planeten? Självklart ingår en ekologisk lantbruksskola i ett sådant samhälle.



2013-11-22 18:58

Hi family and friends! I write in English because many of you do not have Norwegian down pat. This note is a serious plea for your help with at least a signature, and even appeal if you wish. The county dept. of education is threatening to close our school which is the only of its kind in Norway and only one of very few in Europe with an entire curriculum and school farm devoted to a practical/theoretic education in ecological farming and societal development. The county's reason for is that our buildings are old and need major renovation and they do not have the funds to carry more than 60% of the full investment. This is their only reason. We have their support regarding our mandate and vision of ecological farm-training. Being Norway's National School for Organic Farming and Gardening demands funding at a national as well as county level, but the national departments of education and agriculture have so far refused to offer assistance. The final decision will be made during the first 1/2 of 2014. Closing the school will have a huge ripple effect at all levels; from the local municipality of little Aurland and onwards out into the world which is in dire need of a new generation of youth with positive knowlegde and practical skills for solutions toward healing an ailing society and planet. Norway's economy bubbles over with oil money and the few kroner necessary are but a little drop in the bucket. Norway's renomè as a land concerned for the environment needs to be shown in more than words. We cannot let this school go down without the world knowing what's happening. We are not asking you for money. It's your voice that counts! Please help. With humble and grateful thanks. Nat Mead



2013-11-22 18:59

Stå på, vi trenger dere! Mvh Arvid Uleberg


2013-11-24 18:47

Bare ett ord: skandaløs



2013-11-25 12:45

We are great admirers of this school's work.



2013-11-25 14:28

Vi trenger denne skolen...



2013-11-25 17:26

The small farmers are a life line and your school is a model to small farmers in the US as well as Europe and Norway. It is worth putting every penny into seeing that your farm school thrives in this time where the youth are truly excited by sustainable agriculture. It is one of the few things that is hopeful and moves us all toward a healthy environment and future.



2013-11-26 00:57

I think it is extremely important to keep this school going. It provides an incredible service not just to Norway but to the world that definitely needs to secure its future food production in a way that preserves the planet as well. I am an agricultural educator and have visited the school to see what an impressive job it does. Sincerely, Machado Mead Program Director of the Pfeiffer Center for Biodynamic Agriculture
Arthur Ganson


2013-11-26 16:10

In every circumstance there are an infinite number of ways to solve any issue or problem.  It may be believed that closing the school is the only possible course of action to address whatever issues are at hand.  To those who feel that the school must be closed: Please step back, consider carefully all the fundamental assumptions,  think SIDEWAYS, dream freely about possibilities.  You will see that it IS possible to address the needs of ALL involved!  The school, it's mission and impact on the world is important and valueable.  All that is needed is the willingness to be creative.

I enhver omstendighet er det et uendelig antall måter å løse ethvert problem eller problem. Det kan antas at lukking av skolen er den eneste mulige løpet av handlingen til å ta opp hva problemene er for hånden. Til de som føler at skolen må stenges: Vennligst skritt tilbake, vurdere nøye alle de grunnleggende forutsetninger, tror SIDEWAYS, drøm fritt om muligheter. Du vil se at det er mulig å møte behovene til alle involverte! Skolen, er det misjon og innflytelse på verden viktig og verdifullt. Alt som trengs er vilje til å være kreativ.



2013-11-26 20:25

Me treng denne kunnskapen :)



2013-11-26 21:38

I have friends who have visited the school and rave about the program. Please, find a way to keep this school open! We need more organic farming programs and can't afford to lose this one! - A friend in the U.S.



2013-11-27 19:25

Viktig at dere er der !!! Håper dette oppropet virker POSITIVT !



2013-11-28 20:40

Gamle elevar sviktar aldri ...



2013-11-28 22:24

Som kommentert før, synd at alle oppropene får samme logo og farge på facebook. Det hadde hjulpet bare å skifte farge !



2013-11-29 09:41

Bevar skolen , gi liv til verdifull kunnskap!



2013-12-03 13:28

I have farmed in Vermont since 1989. Last year I was lucky enough to visit your school. Norway has a wonderful asset there. Few schools worldwide teach practical farm techniques with the goal of sending young people home to actually farm. The problem of decaying infrastructure is one that each of your students will have to deal with since moving a farm is rarely an option. I hope you chose to fund the Song Jord- og Hagebruksskule. It offers an education that can not be replicated at a large university.