

/ #9

2014-01-29 21:54

I bequest the petition of Liili be considered favorably by Norge`s immigration ministry . I understand that Norge is a Humanitarian country and has ratified the United Nations Convention of the Rights of a Child. Norge has a long history of rescueing children and family member`s of other lands,and has done such humanitarian discretionary decision work before.It is world known as common practice in Norge and has placed the Norwegian people in high regard globally,ie-refugee`s from other land`s, Burma, Vietnm,etc. Also in the USA Obama`s `Dream Act` , consistant with Norge said` These children THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN were taken by there parents to this country, also , never made any action to give away Norsk Statsborgerskap , but were in custody of their parents, who were , in this case `arrested` by factum of `restricted movement` , by the Russiskerene back then with Stalin as Leader. Lilli should be`grandfathered back into Norge`s Statsborgerskap as were her parents, and even if without her parents should be too as Obama`s Dream KIds` here in the states were given a `pathway to citizenship,on the simaliar ground- Rune Jacobsen - founder-Living Sky Universal Childrens Day Promotion & Awareness Corp-Registerd Sask,Canada, NYC-NY-USA Kong Olav`s Sjomanns Kirken-UNDP ,NY,NY