Landskap uten figur? Vi vil ha Hepworth tilbake til Stavanger!


/ #7

2014-04-26 23:12

MYworLD- Pia MYrvoLD - flowers for a sculpture removed!
In my native Norway, the Stavanger Art Society decided to sell the one treasure they had, a great Barbara Hepworth from 1968, in order to finance the daily cost of running the gallery space, who has suffered 10 years of no-direction management with no interest to a larger public or membership mass.
Like a 60ies MadMen sign of a particular period aesthetic style, I have looked at this sculpture all my life, by the entrance to one of my first solo-shows in this institution. A great sadness, to see this wonderful work removed, and to think of that generation culture builders, who cherished this gallery, and where both exhibitions, concerts and parties of great quality occurred during the 60ies and the 70ies. The young generation taking over feels no such nostalgia, a piece of their grandparents work heritage sold to the highest bidder.
After having placed a flower on this grave, and fough back some tears, I felt that my flowers where too small! I might have to go back with a larger bouquet!